India, Jan. 10 -- NTPC LIMITED has issued a tender notice titled "Bus Hiring Service - Regular Basis - Local 24*7; 40-42; Non Deluxe (Ndx); 7500 Km(S), Qty: 730" with the tender reference no.: GEM/2024/B/5733106.

The tender details are as follows: Bus Hiring Service - Regular Basis - Local 24*7; 40-42; Non Deluxe (NDX); 7500 Km(s)

The expression of interest should be received by Jan. 29.

For more information, contact NTPC LIMITED, Ministry Of Power


Mukul Tayal 825311, Kerandari CMP NTPC Sikri Site Office, Kerandari. Po+Ps- Barkagaon, District - Hazaribagh, Pin - 825311, Jharkhand. 730 N/A

Ssc Coal Mining Ntpc,

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